If you’re looking for a community of believers online, check out our live online services Sundays at 9:00 AM on Facebook.
Church is more than one day a week. Spring Hill's online community group is open 24/7.
Connect with Spring Hill wherever you are or catch up on a message series. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
Spring Hill is inside the YouVersion app! Connect with Spring Hill and follow along with our Featured Reading Plan.
Simply streaming our services online doesn’t make it church. Community does. So don’t just watch the service, chat with us. Follow us on social media. Bring hope, share Christ and impact the world online.
Worship will start with a welcome, music, and a thought-provoking message from Pastor Steve Nethery. You can expect each experience to last about 50 minutes. Be sure to stay for the whole thing. We promise that it’s worth it!
Church is all about relationships! Join the chat and comments sections to get the full community experience and meet people from around the world. Ask our online host if you have questions because you matter to God and you matter to us.
Yes! We have a digital bulletin. You can follow along with the sermon, scripture references, and upcoming opportunties.
God's story is bigger than one day a week. Join our Facebook community group, Spring Hill Baptist Church Family. We are also inside of the YouVersion Bible App!
Meet our Children's Minister, Mrs. Chris, as she introduces Bible stories, life applications and ways for families to build a relationship with God on our YouTube channel and on the Spring Hill Facebook page.