Begin Here!

January usually swings in with all its sparkle and motivational slogans like "New Year, New You," but what if we skipped the makeover? What if the goal wasn’t improving but something much bigger: showing up, uncovering God's plans for you, and taking small steps to live out God's 2025 plan instead of our own plans? 

We know God's plans are always better for us, but how do we hear God's plan and put it into action? That's where One Word comes in! Check out Spring Hill's resources and message series "One Word" this month!

Are you ready for something NEW?

"Wishing for a happier New Year? We'd love to help you live out 2025 with commitment and intentionality." ~ Pastor Steve Nethery


Join the 2025 One Word Challenge!


"The only way it won't work is if you don't do it. It's never a question of whether One Word works. It's whether you will put One Word into action in your life.  If you discover and live your  word, it works every single time." ~Jon Gordon


To help you through the One Word process, check out these resources! 


Take the next step and try something NEW in 2025!

One Word Works


YouVersion Reading Plan

At your own pace with the online reading plan

"One Word to Change Your LIfe" on the YouVersion Bible App!

Complete by Yourself or With Friends

Are you looking for community but need flexible scheduling? Join a four-week online group to uncover your One Word for 2025.  

Wednesdays 7:30 PM in January


What's YOUR One Word 2025

One Word 2025

One Word 2025 Message by Pastor Steve

 Creating Opportunities to follow Jesus TOGETHER