Your generosity is fueling our mission to impact the world. Set up one-time and recurring donations securely and easily.
Thank you for your investment in faith opportunities. Make checks payable to Spring HIll Baptist Church and place in the offering receptacles or our mailing address is:
2620 Frays Mill Road
Ruckersville, VA 22968
Your donations enable us to create opportunities to follow Jesus every day. Donate through the PayPal platform for addtional convenience.
You can make a lasting impact by supporting outreach and ministry on a monthly basis. Set up using your bank's automatic bill pay option today.
Aplos is our primary online giving solution and is highly rated in the industry. In addition to online giving, it is also used as our donation tracking and accounting system. We also leverage PayPal for anyone who prefers to use it instead.
All online giving utilizes a merchant account which is fully PCI compliant, uses data encryption, and monitors for fraud. Additionally, those wanting to use their bank accounts will go through a one time process to securely connect the bank account of your choice.
Each donor can create a My Aplos account to log in to a secure portal in the online giving platform. From there, donors can manage giving, view contribution history, download giving statements, or update payment information. For those that prefer PayPal, all donations can easily be monitored and maintained through the primary PayPal application.
Yes, text GIVE to 434-423-5300 and follow the prompts.
Users of Aplos will see all donations show up Aplos Spring Hill Baptist Church. PayPal donations will similarly be identified as Spring Hill.
All donation information, whether given online, by check, cash, or other gift is always kept confidential. The Spring Hill treasurers are the only members with access to individual donor information and maintain all of the online giving solutions. If you have specific questions or concerns, you are encouraged to reach out to our treasurers directly or email
If you would like to make a donation of stock or other asset, please email or call the church office at (434) 973-7473.