September Update from Mrs. Chris


Dear Families,


Please remember to pray for those families that have experienced loss from the storm, for those in the next storm’s path, and for all of the people that are working to help those in need.



Our next big thing is our Pumpkin Patch time. We will meet at Sarah’s Pumpkin patch at 3:00. Last year we had a great time together as our children searched for their perfect pumpkin. (If you would like, we could buy a full wagon and share the cost.) There will be a hayride for our group at 4:00 which is $2, however if you bring a bag of candy for Trick or Trunk your hayride is free! Sarah has some fun craft items and shirts available for everyone to be tempted to buy.

I hope to see you there.


Lastly, don’t forget to sign up for where you plan to help at our 2024 Trick or Trunk. I plan to have a trunk and will be bringing candy to add to the collection in your small group.

Wherever you decide to help, you will be a part of the mission to bring hope to our community.



Upcoming Dates


October 19- Sarah’s Pumpkin Patch from 3 to 5:00 pm. We are scheduled for the 4 pm hayride.

October 27th- Trick or Trunk 1-4:00 PM

November 23- Parents Shop Day While We Play and Have a Gingerbread Bash

from 9 am to noon.

December 14- Children’s Christmas Program and Party. 5 pm




Elementary Lesson 3.4


Moses: Passover       

Key Verse: Romans 6:23

Big Idea: God is our rescuer, so I can choose to follow Him.

Bible Basis: Exodus 11-13


Babies through Pre-K Lesson 3.4


Crossing the Red Sea

Key Verse: Psalm 147:5

Big Idea: God is so, so powerful.        

Bible Basis: Exodus 14



Song of the Month
Jesus Loves Me 


The children are already beginning to sing the songs for our Christmas program each week. Mrs. Stephanie and Mrs. Stephanie are doing a great job getting our little ones to learn what they need to do. Please put the program and celebration on your calendar and begin to set aside time to practice on Sundays in November.


We are only weeks away from Trick or Trunk. Please remember to sign up for a trunk, or to help with other things, by going onto the SHBC website. It is going to be a fantastic day of fun.




Mrs. Chris