October Update from Mrs. Chris

Dear Families,



We had a wonderful and exciting Trick or Trunk, and it’s all because we have true servants of Christ in our church family.

Thank you to Erin and Corey Cummings for heading up this fantastic day serving our community. Thank you all for your prayer support and candy, and a special thanks to all who served at Trick or Trunk. It took everyone to make it the huge success it was. Thank you, God.




Upcoming Dates


November 23- Parents Shop Day While We Play and Have a Gingerbread Bash

from 9 am to noon.

December 14- Children’s Christmas Program and Party. 5 pm




Elementary Lesson 4.2


Joshua and the Walls of Jericho       

Key Verse: Joshua 1:7

Big Idea: God’s instructions for us are good, so I can follow them right away.

Bible Basis: Joshua 1, 6


Babies through Pre-K Lesson 4.2


Joshua and the Walls of Jericho       

Key Verse: Joshua 1:9

Big Idea: God is always with me.       

Bible Basis: Joshua 6



Song of the Month
Jesus Loves Me 


I am looking forward to the Gingerbread Bash in November. If you need care for a child under 3 years of age, please let me know. I will try to find help for the nursery.


With gratitude,


Mrs. Chris