Dear Families,
It is nearly time for our children to put on their Christmas program. Our children and leaders have been doing a fantastic job with the preparation and parts.
I want to thank you for allowing your families to participate in this precious time that gives us the opportunity to invite others to hear that Jesus is their Savior.
Upcoming Dates to put on your Calendar
December 14- Children’s Christmas Program and Party. 5 pm
We will have a potluck that evening and a special guest.
Friday, January 17th- What is your vote?
1. Come for a family movie after having Grilled Cheese and Soup
2. Come to Play BINGO with Prizes and Pizza
3. Board Games, Burgers, and Bible Drill
February 8th at 5 pm will be the 3rd annual
Come dressed in your best gown or fun hat, eat pizza, dance, and have fun.
Israel Demands a King
Key Verse: James 1:5
Big Idea: God is all-knowing, so I can go to Him for wisdom.
Bible Basis: 1 Samuel 8-10
Samuel Prays the Bad Guys Away
Key Verse: Psalm 66:19
Big Idea: God hears me when I talk to Him.
Bible Basis: 1 Samuel 7
November Song
May your December be full of love and peace.
Mrs. Chris